Cyber Security In Schools – CPD Session

Cyber security is once again becoming a huge talking point within education with more and more schools starting to notice issues and requiring further support. 

Many schools are once again seeing a large increase of phishing emails attempting to infiltrate school systems and networks which in the long run can cause huge problems and GDPR breach issues.

One of the core situations that I have seen is that staff haven’t had training made available to them regarding these issues. As the old saying goes, by failing to prepare you are preparing to fail. If schools don’t spend the time training their staff either in house or externally to be aware and understand what to watch out for then they are putting themselves at a larger risk of a cyber issue.

Over the past few months I have spent a long time working with my school, staff and external schools to understand what the best training session looks like to cover both GDPR and Cyber security. 

I am pleased to announce that I will now be listing Cyber Security In Schools as one of my new training sessions available for online and in-person booking. If you would like to discuss information regarding this session or book me to run the CPD at your school please head over to the School CPD page by clicking on the button on the right hand side.

To find out more information or to book your school in for this CPD session, please click on the link below.