Welcome to the MrJSmithson_Edu website. I’m an IT Manager in education with over 6 year experience in providing dedicated IT support across multi-site schools/trusts. On a day to day basis I manage and maintain all of the schools core IT/infrastructure along with responding to support requests from our school community.

I am also a Microsoft MIE Master Training for 2021-2022 and have worked with over 130+ school nation wide to empower and strengthen the knowledge around the use of technology for all educational and operational actions within a school.

The core aim of this site is to share my own knowledge and top tips, share useful resources and guidance for school communities as well as parents and create a hub for collaboration for everyone to feel empowered to achieve more through technology.

My goal for this project is to create a community of educators, parents and pupils to share and develop knowledge to promote the use of technology both in schools and at home.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has created many challenging times for everyone and we have had to become more adaptive to the way in which we work and the ways in which we teach. For most of the world, remote/home learning has become part of the new norm with some people who would never touch a laptop with a barge pole, now accessing Teams/Zoom to allow their children to take part in their learning. We have seen our elder generations get to grips with Facetime and video calling to remain connected with their families, even if they are ON MUTE!

My aim is not to preach or act like some form of guru because that isn’t me. Much like my role with in education currently, I want to train and empower everyone to achieve more through technology.

Together collaboration on ideas far outweighs any form of competition to be the best.

Want to join my journey? Follow me on social media to stay up to date with my daily life in educational IT support but also with the top tips, training sessions, CPD offers and more I will be sharing.

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