Welcome To #JSCoaching

Providing mentoring and development to coaches and players across all sports. Helping new coaches reach their potentials and goals.

How it all began

As part of my ongoing development and the willing to grow my knowledge and skills I have started to build my own coaching brand #JSCOACHING. This all started by putting on a number of coaching conferences to bring together grassroots and professional coaches to share and collaborate on ideas. I myself am still growing and learning from different coaches to better myself. I am by no means a guru of the coaching world, but I like to think I am able to start working with new coaches and get them on the right track before linking in with many more experienced coaches that I have already built a coaching relationship with.

Whilst my core coaching background is rugby, the #JSCOACHING brand looks at developing new coaches across all sports. The core skills and qualities a great coach has are transferrable across every sport. I have built up some amazing coaching friends within rugby and now want to widen the horizon to reach other sports and help more coaches grow.

The #jscoaching team


coach development sessionS

The core backbone to the #JSCOACHING brand is our coach development sessions. These sessions are created to allow guidance and collaboration between coaching staff and also provide a different point of view to how a session can be ran. We use the most up to date RFU guidance paired with a player centred approach to gain the most engagement and creativity from the players.

1-1 Development sessions

Our 1-1 development sessions are designed to allow coaches to take the driving seat to map out and identify areas within their own coaching skills to develop. Working along side the #JSCOACHING team we aim to provide the building blocks and skills to allow coaches to achieve their goals. Interested in progressing your coaching career? Get in touch now!

Coach Mentoring sessions

The #JSCOACHING brand is built around giving new and upcoming coaches the best start to their coaching career. With experience working in club management roles along with working close with county rugby development teams including the RFU. Our coach mentoring sessions look to work with coaches to identify key areas to develop and map out a plan to enable all of our coaches to achieve their goals. With a coach centred approach, the coach is in the driving seat to progress at their own pace with our support in links with knowledgeable coaches based a different coaching levels.

Scrumcast Podcast

The Scrumcast podcast is an all new coaching and development podcast by grassroots coaches for grassroots coaches. Presented by #JSCOACHING, we want to share ours and other coaches experiences with you to give you the best start to your coaching career. We also want to help coaches already on the coaching ladder to progress to achieve their goals.

Training Thursday

Each Thursday we will be uploading a new training video to our YouTube channel. These videos will cover a wide range of topics and be aim at both coach and player development. There will also be a number of ideas and activities that you can try out in your training sessions. The aim of these videos are to help everyone grow and develop their coaching skills not just within rugby but in all sports.


#PROJECT21 coming summer 2021. Check back for more information soon.

#jscoaching whatsapp groups

At #JSCOACHING we want to be able to allow all coaches to collaborate easily and have clear communication to share ideas. With the world revolving around technology one of the simplest ways to encourage this collaboration is through our coaching WhatsApp groups. 

Our Open Forum group is a place to have clear and open communication with like-minded coaches as well as staying up to date with the #JSCOACHING, plus getting early access to new content from the team.

Coach Mentoring WhatsApp Group

  • To gain access to this group you will need to be part of the #JSCOACHING coach mentoring group.
  • Future access may come available so please check back soon

up-coming live sessions

currently no up-coming live sessions

We are currently working to provide more live sessions via the Zoom platform. As soon as sessions become available they will be shown here and published on our social media pages.


Our previous sessions

Click on the tabs below to view some of our previous coaching sessions


PRUFC COACH Mentoring programme site

For all coaches taking part in the PRUFC Coach Mentoring program. Please click on the link below to head to our secure information page to access resources and useful information about the program.

Created By Me..