What can we do with technology?

Well here we go, my first ever learning resource. Let’s get started off with something fairly simple. The following resource is a simple lesson starter activity. The following resource is aimed at KS2 students and can be adapted to meet the needs/requirements of your students and lessons.


The lesson starter activity has been designed to get students thinking outside of the box. An activity that can be completed as part of a table or individually, the brainstorming task gets students think about what can we do with technology. Below there are 2 versions of the activity, one has blank heading boxes with the other have 4 key headings to start sparking ideas.


The core aim of the activity is to get students thinking about what kind of technology we have and how it can be used. An example would be for what can we do with technology at home? We use iPads to watch videos, laptops to complete homework. The activity should challenge all students to think outside of the box to truly understand how much we have technology engrained in our everyday lives.

Bronze Challenge

Using the headed activity. Can you name at least three pieces of technology for each category.

Silver Challenge

Progressing on from the bronze challenge. For each piece of technology can you state what it would be used for?

Gold Challenge

Using the blank barnstorming map, can you think of 4 categories and what technology is used within them. Then explain what that technology might be used for. For example, in a hospital the piece of technology might be an x-ray machine. Hospitals use this technology to look at peoples bodies to find out what they have hurt.



This lesson starter shouldn’t take any longer than 5 minutes. It can be used prior to an ICT lesson covering a range of topics from online safety to your first lesson with ICT. When looking at online safety(E-Safety) with classes you could use this lesson starter to get students thinking about technology and what it can actually be used for. With the world relining more and more on the use of digital equipment we forget just how engrained and powerful these devices are both for good and for bad.